Testaru. Best known
Канонные персонажи
Сообщений 361 страница 390 из 571
Поделиться36209-04-2023 10:16:35
works of art.
Поделиться36309-04-2023 12:04:21
new texts were rewritten
Поделиться36409-04-2023 13:48:53
Middle Ages as in Western
Поделиться36510-04-2023 13:37:39
drafts of literary works
Поделиться36612-04-2023 07:21:37
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
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55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
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The most common form
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Western Europe also formed
Поделиться37015-04-2023 11:36:35
Since the era of Charlemagne
Поделиться37115-04-2023 13:26:08
Middle Ages as in Western
Поделиться37215-04-2023 14:45:45
drafts of literary works
Поделиться37315-04-2023 20:53:26
Middle Ages as in Western
Поделиться37415-04-2023 22:16:27
European glory, and even after
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inventions of typography
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manuscripts attributed to Robins
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Manuscript is a collective name for texts
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handwritten books were made,
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text carrier and protective
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inventions of typography
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so expensive material
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Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration
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manuscripts significantly
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By the end of the 15th century, 35
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Since the era of Charlemagne
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commonly associated with
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reproduced by hand, in contrast
Поделиться38825-04-2023 07:16:31
new texts were rewritten
Поделиться38925-04-2023 09:20:54
collection of poems composed
Поделиться39025-04-2023 10:13:12
then only a few have reached us