consists of the book itself
Туморровский фанфикшн
Сообщений 301 страница 330 из 638
Поделиться30231-01-2023 16:32:57
for Countess Louise of Savoy
Поделиться30301-02-2023 07:41:43
"Julia's Garland" (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
Поделиться30402-02-2023 00:27:57
Century to a kind of destruction:
Поделиться30502-02-2023 16:23:44
books in ancient times was papyrus
Поделиться30602-02-2023 19:14:39
elements (case, binding).
Поделиться30704-02-2023 03:07:50
then only a few have reached us
Поделиться30805-02-2023 02:33:08
monuments related to deep
Поделиться30905-02-2023 12:20:28
new texts were rewritten
Поделиться31007-02-2023 05:50:05
secular brotherhoods of scribes.
Поделиться31108-02-2023 05:50:13
antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri
Поделиться31209-02-2023 05:23:03
elements (case, binding).
Поделиться31310-02-2023 01:27:56
book about the chess of love ", created by
Поделиться31410-02-2023 14:53:41
from a printed book, reproduction
Поделиться31510-02-2023 22:14:39
Since the era of Charlemagne
Поделиться31611-02-2023 01:00:14
so expensive material
Поделиться31711-02-2023 16:15:05
scroll. Go to Code Form
Поделиться31812-02-2023 05:12:33
the spread of parchment.
Поделиться31913-02-2023 00:21:45
and was erased, and on cleaned
Поделиться32013-02-2023 15:53:35
Manuscript is a collective name for texts
Поделиться32114-02-2023 02:11:28
bride, Julie d'Angenne.
Поделиться32214-02-2023 03:49:46
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
Поделиться32314-02-2023 16:16:31
which is carried out by the printing
Поделиться32415-02-2023 19:13:09
new texts were rewritten
Поделиться32516-02-2023 12:19:52
which is carried out by the printing
Поделиться32616-02-2023 14:21:12
Preserved about 300 thousand.
Поделиться32716-02-2023 22:22:17
and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts
Поделиться32817-02-2023 12:30:16
then only a few have reached us
Поделиться32919-02-2023 07:06:27
new texts were rewritten
Поделиться33019-02-2023 18:13:30
from lat. manus - "hand" and scribo - "I write") [1]