monuments related to deep
Туморровский фанфикшн
Сообщений 211 страница 240 из 638
Поделиться21211-11-2022 23:18:13
multiplies (see also article
Поделиться21312-11-2022 11:22:42
Century to a kind of destruction:
Поделиться21412-11-2022 15:33:13
Since the era of Charlemagne
Поделиться21513-11-2022 03:46:36
number of surviving European
Поделиться21616-11-2022 11:08:16
XVII century was Nicholas Jarry [fr].
Поделиться21717-11-2022 06:12:56
The most common form
Поделиться21817-11-2022 07:37:19
A handwritten book is a book
Поделиться21920-11-2022 02:44:14
new texts were rewritten
Поделиться22021-11-2022 04:20:01
Europe, and in Ancient Russia
Поделиться22121-11-2022 09:44:32
or their samples written
Поделиться22223-11-2022 23:56:42
XVII century was Nicholas Jarry [fr].
Поделиться22324-11-2022 05:12:30
"Julia's Garland" (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
Поделиться22424-11-2022 06:24:52
The most common form
Поделиться22524-11-2022 07:13:22
way. Handwritten book
Поделиться22624-11-2022 11:12:15
At the same time, many antique
Поделиться22725-11-2022 08:31:49
Many calligraphers have acquired
Поделиться22826-11-2022 23:36:29
only a few survived.
Поделиться22927-11-2022 00:21:59
from lat. manus - "hand" and scribo - "I write") [1]
Поделиться23029-11-2022 13:29:42
Libraries of the Carolingian era). IN
Поделиться23130-11-2022 11:31:11
Western Europe also formed
Поделиться23230-11-2022 15:55:30
Since the era of Charlemagne
Поделиться23330-11-2022 22:50:35
Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration
Поделиться23402-12-2022 08:17:44
By the end of the 15th century, 35
Поделиться23502-12-2022 16:00:40
inventions of typography
Поделиться23603-12-2022 15:11:37
The most common form
Поделиться23705-12-2022 07:29:27
European glory, and even after
Поделиться23806-12-2022 10:32:18
the best poets of his era and
Поделиться23906-12-2022 12:29:31
Of his works, he is especially famous
Поделиться24006-12-2022 20:16:18
only a few survived.